Christmas Program

Racine, Ohio: December 15, 2023, Southern Elementary held their annual Christmas Program today.  They program was put together by Mr. Darren Jackson with support of many of his colleagues.  It showed live (and was livestreamed on Southern Local’s Facebook page) at 9am and 1pm today. The program consisted of:

  • The fourth grade sang, “Christmas All Over Again” and “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday”;
  • Sixth grade sang, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”;
  • Head Start and Pre- K sang, “Holly Jolly Christmas” and “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”;
  • The Jr/Sr High School Concert Band performed, “Christmas Eve/ Sarajevo 12/24” (Directed by Mr. Chad Dodson);
  • First Grade sang, “Deck The Halls”, “The First Noel”, and “Silent Night”;
  • Mrs. Dunfee’s Class and the Third Grade sang, “’Zat You, Santa Clause?”;
  • Mrs. Ash’s Second Grade class performed an original song, “The Candy Cane Song”;
  • Fifth Grade sang, “Love Crashed In”;
  • Kindergarten sang, “Christmas is Here”;
  • And the show ended with Kindergarten, Second Grade, and some Sixth Grade volunteers singing, "One Drop”.

Mr. Jackson thanked all in attendance for their support of the program, the many staff, peers, administration, and colleagues that assisted.

Great job Mr. Jackson and all students that participated.