Kim Grueser & Ashley Zielinski

Racine, Ohio- Southern Local has started a Teacher/Staff of the Month recognition program.  Recipients are nominated by their peers. The qualifications are:

It takes a team to help a school and district function effectively, and all employees play an important role in the lives of young adults, families, and the community. Each month, we recognize outstanding teachers and staff members who are making a positive impact at Southern Local School District. We recently created a Teacher of the Month Award and Staff Member of the Month Award. Those receiving awards are nominated by the administrators, teachers, and staff members for excellence in their classroom and positive contributions to Southern Local School District.

Teacher of the Month Award This award has been established to recognize our outstanding educators for their dedication, professionalism, and excellence in instruction. 

Selection Criteria: Each month, we will recognize a different educator based on their contribution to the school, excellence in the classroom, leadership abilities, citizenship, community involvement, and going above-and-beyond for students. Teachers will be nominated and selected based on the following criteria:

  • Excellence in the Classroom – Consistently advancing students to higher levels of thinking and academic achievement.
  • Motivation – Having the ability to motivate and encourage students to advance beyond their expectations both academically and socially.
  • Leadership – Serving as a leader not only in the classroom, but also throughout the school.
  • Community Service – Demonstrating the importance of civic responsibility by being active in community or other service organizations.
  • Creativity and Imagination – Utilizing teaching methods that inspire students to learn. For staff, this means demonstrating creativity and imagination in carrying out their job duties in such a way that they motivate and inspire others in the school community to grow.
  • Dedication – Showing excellent attendance, punctuality, and a desire to see their students advance academically and personally; participating in programs and activities outside of the school day in support of the community, campus, and students.
  • Professionalism – Showing respect for peers and interacting in a positive manner with staff and students; acts in a responsible, ethical manner.

Staff Member of the Month Award This was established to recognize our outstanding staff members for their dedication, professionalism, and excellence in their positions. Those receiving these awards can be nominated by the students, parents, administrators, teachers, and staff members for excellence in their position and positive contributions to Southern Local School District.

Selection Criteria: Each month, we recognize a different staff member and on their contributions to the school, leadership abilities, citizenship, community involvement, and going above-and-beyond for students, staff, and the Southern Local School District. Staff members will be nominated and selected based on the following criteria: 

  • Makes a difference to Southern Local School District
  • Goes above and beyond expectations
  • Excels as a team player
  • Demonstrates a positive attitude, professionalism, dedication, and respect for others
  • Committed to the mission of SLSD

The first Employee of the Month recipient is Ashley Zielinski. She was nominated three times this month with the following being said:

  • “Ashley goes above and beyond for the kids in her classroom. Students enjoy her classroom environment. She is also a wonderful co-worker to help out when needed. She is a great resource to our school.”
  • “Every time I see her in the halls and in the classroom, she is always in a positive mood. She is always smiling. She loves and cares about the kids here and makes learning fun.”
  • “I have a tremendous deal of respect and admiration for the way she puts her best foot forward every day, despite how impossible her job seems at times. She does her best to remain positive, kind, and loving even through all the stress and challenges. She is better than me in every way and I feel lucky to call her my friend and colleague.”

The second Employee of the month is Kim Grueser

  • “I really think Kim Grueser would be a good candidate for the Staff member award this month. Kim is an outstanding employee who makes a positive impact on our school. Kim also has excellent communication and teamwork skills that make the workplace a positive environment. Kim is a hard worker who is always very motivated and volunteers to do additional tasks if needed. Kim is very professional in all of her administrative duties.”

Both employees will be recognized at tonight board meeting and will have special parking.